9 min readDec 27, 2024


Trump stood for change an underlying movement from acceptance. Look at the actions of Trumps term to associate it with the demands of his legacy.. the American people!

There is was an will always be conviction in Trump’s term — America left so many people out by including everybody.. Half of the country is right there waiting for change..

While Trump behaved v poorly at the helm he was reined down upon by the media and opposition movements constantly..

The recent creative justice political protest is what makes America the most advanced country in the world the intertwining of democracy and free speech to create change — America was thriving before Covid19 and the installation of percentages are a far cry from first indicators..

I find it funny that case after case cited against Trump was pushed and continued to have lost its legs from russian co-operation to negating his presidency by impeachment the terms of his time in the oval office was met with disdain a constant barrage of media hype and anti Trump storylines!

The division of America went unheard and unseen well before Trump.. the movement in America is hereditary it’s an ongoing process of betterment through voice a creative justice of the people from the most advanced country in the world. America is constantly pushing to be better from the reckoning of the freedoms imposed by those before us

Trump’s term will be again trashed through the media and violent public protests his legacy won’t be a saving grace but it will inspire more to stand up and deliver on the concept of MAGA

Its quite obvious how subtle manipulation can change the basic fabric of society.. let alone boisterous advances that dominate the headlines I guess the drivel relates to live and let live by association live and let die seems more appropriate.. a lot of people give to much credit to the general population and the means test to promote itself as a go to concentration. We have been advancing at a rate unforeseen in human history and the allocations of this are obvious throwing a negative influence on a nuclear topic so as it seems negative can be adaptive but we return to the conservative practice — you only have to look at the influence of broadcast television to see the human evaluation take place on society spanning from commercial grade lifestyles to alternative recreation.. anyone can see the degradation of a societal mix through abusive delinquency.. you state this as an flaw in myself and others whereas the communication of a wider understanding draws another plane.

referencing conservatives gender fluids the blight of colonialism when ones own country couldn’t raise a flag without the western promise reaching out through to adaptive immigration.. the unspoken word used to be a lot more powerful than in your face agendas manipulating all other walks of life in a rush to plant your own warped realities..

instead we will assume your one of the woke oppressive hunters attempting to change history instead of creating a fundamental future for the world

They are learning how to curb the effects of social media and human interaction with how the opinion of one can have a active run to many..

Independent media etc all play significant roles now and they need to learn to adapt to this reflects on the public.

Saw it with Bush Rudd etc

Are we prepared for another 50yrs of the Trump name in American Politics???


No problem with anti trump sentiment.. completely understand where it’s coming from.. to ignore the lob-sided influence leading through the media into the last election would require great neglect

Trump had a voice that resonated with a lot of people — the potential to promote the same agenda sounds aloud in the hearts and minds of many..

The commitment to be proven a racist because of the colour of your skin is a resounding fail on the path to resolution.

Society has vast modules spoken well beyond the terms of status.. Trump still very relevant looking at the next phase in American history..

in Donald Trump’s first term the perception of America changed around the world focusing on weak ties in the community regarding many different issues, these issues still exist but the outcry of revolt and protest for change had ceased

Do you find this confronting?

history will relate the fight to maintain middle American values..

the spill recognises that Trump has planted a seed that needs to be watered..

U.S. ambassador says Donald Trump ‘wants to run for president again’

Trump has won the hearts and minds of an America that got lost in the network of a “modernAmerica”..

Trump has planted a seed that will stand for generations.. you can’t lead the world while your own country falls away by the wayside!

No point having a team of people that don’t believe in the direction your going.. Trump knew he had to have the final say on navigation and selected people to establish his position

Will we see Biden’s best Weekend at Bernie’s impressions this term?

More votes than voters in many Detroit precincts:

is this true?

Did Hillary win the popular vote?

That’s not loyalty I think hiss attitude towards women was has been disgraceful but his words were locker room binding.. I like what Trump is pushing but don’t think much of the man peddling it.. it can be humorous at times but I can’t see anyone else putting their neck out to stand up and devote themselves to the cause.. and honestly nobody except Trump could have pulled it off imho

i’d say trump being wealthy and not that great on the eye would be the sorta bloke to play the numbers game — grab them all by the p*ssy and see which ones take — sooner or later your going to get girls that don’t like it.. and in Trumps case he rules them out.. not sure if he’s that persistent though and pretty sure he’s not a rapist well not that we know of..

I don’t think Trumps got it in him to run another term.. chances of jnr jnr running for office? surely family business is a constant but seems the entire family now fairly passionate about politics. anyway will have to come from left field to win it this year — I appreciate his spill but def needed more demeanour through his term..

Saw something the other day not sure if it was on here but 2016 Trump won and the opposition never conceded right up until Biden claimed the top job lol #notmypresident @fakenews #instafamous

Is there a market on Biden dying before his term is up?

Biden calls Trump’s actions embarrassing.. surely if there is genuine doubt about the election process which he has been pointing out well before the election began there has to be a perceived time of endearment to focus investigation.. why would he hand over the keys to the White house without pursuing the matter..

It seems everyone just wants to look past Trump’s term altogether lol

actually heard a political analyst refer to Trump’s supporters termed as “cult” like with him feeling sorry for them..

pushing against factual information declaring opposites to the fact in his term the positives for each action far outweigh the negatives other than Trump carrying on like he does which installs a feeling of no confidence you can not highlight one thing that hasn’t been done without insight and purpose.

I find it funny that case after case cited against Trump was pushed and continued to have lost its legs from russian co-operation to negating his presidency the terms of his time in the was met with disdain a constant barrage of media hype and anti Trump storylines

You claim division in the United States of America because of Trump you couldnt be further from the truth the allocations of America were going unheard and unseen well before Trump even thought about office the movement in America is hereditary it’s an ongoing process of betterment through voice a creative justice of the people from the most advanced country in the world.

America is constantly pushing to be better from the reckoning of the freedoms imposed by those before us

The position Trump was in before covid hit was extraordinary pushing for a focus on America leading the way on industry which reflected in regional cities going forward with economic development employment reflections on immigration and related drugs and gangs.. core values that reignited a belief in global trade negotiations unprecedented demands on the United Nations drawing focus on the instability of terrorist organisations and nuclear demands of global threats — Trump peeled back on support of international aid which was bleeding out money going to corrupt country’s in turn fighting a war against America tax deductions encouraging American business to stay in America and healthcare alterations

Trump has been aligned constantly with homeland terror organisations on the basic principle that he’s white and lobbying for instrumental American branded companies..

Trump put Americans first in order to remain a world leader in a time were America was failing to.lead to by example the road back to where America needs to be to reflect its position on this planet this starts with change incremental dedication to a better way of life for its people

Corruption? lol wasn’t Trump constantly persecuted through his term? 1300days of fake news and threats of impeachment

Trump stands for change an underlying movement from acceptance

You only have to.look at the demographic of Trump’s supporters to realise why they are reacting to the outcome the way they have..

Cultist lol showing an appreciation for your own agenda based views

Your distinction about power relates to the relative naively based opinion you only need to look at the actions of Trumps term to associate it with the demands of his legacy.. the American people!

Nothing like a round of golf to clear the thoughts.

the president of the united states is being hung out to dry.. free speech being void through media outlets — things to come from this!

Trump might not be relevant but his ideologies are..

USA is a free for all atm placing enormous strain on the people within..

“being named 46th president”

By who? surely there is more to this than the media promoting this as over — there has to be transparency — Trump is calling for a legal process which infers all is not said and done..


calls for for unity that doesn’t address the split between the left and right — the direction of a unison government doesn’t reflect the values and beliefs of the people

I guarantee one thing Biden won’t be run through the dirt by the media or the opposition through his term

Almost as if everybody is just ignoring Trump now v hard to believe how this has gone down

Media didn’t stop going at Trump through his term now this unbelievable!!!!

Surely you can’t just claim victory.. it has to be awarded.. reality is legal proceedings have to be seen as due process.

reality bites Trump saw the writing on the wall and declared there were fraudulent happenings weeks out.

democratic need to ensure the voting process is above board!

ITS A CONSPIRACY!! but only if I lose..

America stands on the freshly cut lawn of independence.. there’s still excitement and belief in the process taught through there political system they saviour what they have accomplished and look to it to define them as a people..

I’m asking as it seems you want to be seen as progressive so it would seem to reflect those values..

Was 4yrs enough to shake things up enough to create change in the USA?

Looks like the crazy has ended 4yrs early.. gotta say I don’t expect Trump supporters to carry on like the democrats for the next 4yrs pmsl..

realistically if Americans wanted to take Trump out of office they shoulda moved to middle America lol

i don’t get the passion surrounding the political landscape in the US.. i know where it stems from but the association from the middle astounds me — Australians don’t relay the same push and drive for the divide..

2016 Trump defied the odds and won the election — they bitched and moaned for the entire term… 2020 Trump runs for second term

lol hilarious you can’t fathom the reality of what Trump has accomplished..

If you can’t see the decline I don’t know which direction you’ll turn.

bother to wonder to the middle of the road and have a look around.

The anti Trumps just don’t like Trump.. whereas most Trump supporters genuinely believe in the direction of the country MAGA is real!!

George Bush was referred to as the most scrutinized President in history because of social media — Trump that lol

so many different walks of life aggressive views and the complete meltdown of public (journalistic) opinion.. One view no longer broadcasted throughout an entire country so much pull against “the man”

It’s an extension of more recent civil unrest — USA the most advanced society in the world pushing forward human rights through protest.. genuine leaders relying on democracy to create and develop the country — yes.. not an established mechanism yet but the process is underway!

I can’t see the I’ve affair with Trump cooling down any time soon.. they need to find a proactive to defeat his legacy ATM they aren’t lining up to knock him off his perch.. Trump will carry the US through to the next election if the opposition wanted to beat him they would have louded the headlines and promoted a public option to present a head that the public knows inside out! He’s done too much to push the state’s successes forward to be denied a 2nd term because of a global failure..



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